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CIAI welcomes investors who would like to join our Angel Network and become involved with our investee companies. CIAI requires that its Angel members abide by the terms and rules of Canadian International Angel Investors’ By Laws; Code of Conduct; Confidentiality Requirements; Membership Agreement; Operating Agreement and Membership Requirements.


Contact Us to obtain an Application document, or to discuss any questions.

To Qualify as a member of CIAI you must attest to the following:


  • I am an “Accredited Investor” as defined under the Multilateral Instrument 45-106, Capital Raising Exemptions, by virtue of the fact that I am:

  1. An individual who, either alone or jointly with my spouse, beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, financial assets having an aggregate realizable value that before taxes, but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $1 Million; or

  2. An individual whose net income before taxes exceeded $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or whose net income before taxes combined with that of my spouse exceeded $300,000 in each of the two most recent years and who, in either case reasonably expects to exceed that net income level in the current year; and

  3. I have such knowledge and experience in financial and business matters to be capable of evaluating the relative merits and risks of any investment.

  • I understand that Canadian International Angel Investors (CIAI) is not a venture fund, investment bank, broker/dealer, investment clearinghouse, investment portal, or any other form of investment advisor or otherwise, and is not registered with the Nova Scotia Securities Commission or any provincial securities commission.  CIAI does not provide advice, recommendation, or any other indication of appropriateness or inappropriateness for a particular investment.  CIAI does not endorse any investment opportunity provided by companies submitting to CIAI for presentation or otherwise.

  • I must conduct my own analysis and due diligence to determine the appropriateness of any investment I make in any company to which I am introduced through CIAI.  As a result, I recognize and agree that neither CIAI nor its representatives or agents are responsible or liable for any investment decision I make as a result of being a member of CIAI.  The choice to use and the manner of utilization of information and knowledge gained through CIAI is my individual and personal choice.

  • I understand that any purchase of equity or other investment transaction shall be with the respective company, without involvement of, or participation by CIAI.

  • I understand that CIAI meetings are not an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security by CIAI or any other entity.

  • I agree to pay the annual membership dues as set by CIAI.

Membership Code of Conduct:

  • I will conduct myself in a professional manner at all times.

  • I will respect the privacy of other members and not provide their name to any third party without their permission.

  • I will keep membership information confidential.

  • I understand and recognize that CIAI meetings and communications are focused on investment pursuits and will not solicit another member for business.

  • I will disclose to the group any relationship I have or may have with a presenting company, including any personal gain I may receive from the company.


CIAI is not a venture fund, an investment bank, a broker dealer, investment clearinghouse, or an investment advisor, but rather a forum in which investors may be educated on aspects of investment and business, as well as introduced to companies for possible investment.  CIAI is not registered with any provincial securities commission.  Each member of CIAI is responsible for his or her own investment decisions, and CIAI is not recommending any particular company for investment.  All investments in entrepreneurial companies involve a high degree of risk, and investors should be able to bear the risk of complete financial loss.  The choice to use and manner of utilization of information and knowledge gained through CIAI is each member’s individual and personal choice.  No guidance shall be given, nor shall any person affiliated with CIAI (or CIAI itself) be responsible for an individual member’s use of the information, investment decision, or the results of any investment.  CIAI makes no representations or warranties regarding these companies.  Investors must conduct their own due diligence and negotiate the terms of any investment they elect to make.

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